Our Awards

We are very honoured to receive a total of 51 awards since 2016 and happy to announce that we have been awarded the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW’s prestigious 16th Annual President’s Medal on 12th April 2023!!! 

Royal Agricultural Society of NSW’s 16th Annual President’s Medal 

16th President's Medal116th President's Medal2

The pinnacle of the Sydney Royal competitions, the President’s Medal award is judged on a triple bottom line assessment to determine a producer’s social, economic, and environmental impact on not only the industry but their local communities, and is selected from more than 4000 entrants and 81 Sydney Royal Champions awarded throughout the 2022 Sydney Royal year!

We cannot be prouder and are so grateful for recognizing the small Queensland producer for this prestigious award. 

Click here for Royal Agricultural Society of NSW’s 16th Annual President’s Medal Results


Sydney Royal Fine Food Show 2023 – Specialty Products

Gold - Shiro (White) Miso / Curry Miso / Brown Rice Miso / Aka (Red) Miso /  Vintage Miso / Shiro (White) Tamari  
Silver - Chickpea Miso / Instant Miso Soup Authentic Japanese / Original / Amazake / Black Koji Amazake 

Australian Food Awards 2023 - Sweet & Savoury Preserves

2023 Australian Food Awards
Gold - Vintage Miso  
Silver - Shiro (White) Miso / Aka (Red) Miso / Original Miso / Curry Miso
Bronze - Brown Rice Miso  

Click here for Australian Food Awards Past Results

Sydney Royal Fine Food Show 2022 – Specialty Products

President's Medal Finalist / Champion Spice, Pickled Product or Vinegar - Vintage Miso 
Gold - Vintage Miso  
Silver - Instant Miso Soup Authentic Japanese
Bronze - Aka (Red) Miso / Original Miso / Curry Miso / Chickpea Miso / Shiro (White) Miso


Royal Tasmanian Fine Food Awards 2022 – Fermented Food

Gold - Shiro (White) Miso  
Silver - Curry Miso / Vintage Miso / Instant Miso Soup - Spicy Chili 
Bronze - Instant Miso Soup - Authentic Japanese / Original Miso 


Sydney Royal Fine Food Show 2021 – Specialty Products

Champion Speciality Product - Vintage Miso
Gold - Vintage Miso / Aka (Red) Miso / Instant Miso Soup - Spicy Chili / Umami Tamari
Silver - Shiro (White) Miso
Bronze - Instant Miso Soup - Authentic Japanese / Amazake
Click here for Sydney Royal Fine Food Show 2021 Full Results

Australian Food Awards 2019 - Preserve

Gold - Vintage Miso / Aka (Red) Miso 
Silver - Brown Rice Miso / Original Miso / Chickpea Miso / Shiro (White) Miso 

Click here for Australian Food Awards Past Results

Australian Food Awards 2018 - Preserve

Champion Trophy for Best Preserve / Best in Class for Savoury Preserve - Shiro (White) Miso 
Gold - Shiro (White) Miso

Bronze - Vintage Miso

Click here for Australian Food Awards Past Results

Australian Food Awards 2016 - Preserve

Gold - Original Miso

Click here for Australian Food Awards Past Results